суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


The latest changes are documented in the Readme. How can I interactively debug GExperts? I used the batch command to install it specifically for Rio. So far without problems, but that does not mean much because I started and exited the IDE a few times and didn't do much more. Note that Thomas has has taken over most of the development and maintenance of GExperts, so you may find more recent information about GExperts on the GExperts Google Plus page or his GExperts web site , if this web site is delayed in providing updates. Editor enhancements are not disabled. gexperts delphi

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GExperts beta for Delphi Rio available – twm's blog

A clearly visible and unmodified version of this license must appear in any modified distribution of GExperts. All versions of GExperts for Delphi 4 require Delphi 4. You may not use the GExperts source code to develop proprietary or commercial products including plugins or libraries for those products. You may use the GExperts source code in an Open Source project, under the terms listed below. What guidelines should I follow when making changes to the source code?

If you have questions about this license, please contact us. May sales representative, who I told about this, had no idea and since I was busy with other stuff I never followed it up. Register a new account.

Download GExperts

Structured storage file for GExperts 1. You can also check the latest Readme. Favorite Files - Keep a list of your favorite files, sorted by categories, so they can be immediately opened.

I don't get the access violation with GExperts and Delphi Project Dependencies - Track what source files require other files, including recursive dependencies. We love to see users getting involved with GExperts development. I appreciate his help building that tool.

gexperts delphi

Sign up for a new account in our community. Before downloading, you must read and agree to the license agreement. After executing the above command, you will have a directory such as C: You should contact the other authors concerning their respective copyrights and conditions. We also need to thank VSoft Technologies for the donation of their FinalBuilder 6 automated build tool.

gexperts delphi

Depphi can also download the old source used in GExperts 1. Please join the mailing list and review this FAQ for an introduction to our development process.

The DLL identifies itself as version 1. A big thanks goes to EC Software ddelphi their donation of Help and Manual 5 that we use to generate our documentation. The FAQ can help you with any problems. The web interface is sometimes a few hours behind the official repository, but it allows easy browsing and downloading of individual files.

gexperts delphi

I want to help fixing bugs or adding features, what can I do? The rules governing the use of GExperts and gexprets GExperts source code are derived from the official Open Source Definition, available at https: Consult the mailing list or the mailing list archives for projects that may need help.

The latest changes are documented in the Readme. Custom distributions of GExperts must include all of the custom changes as a patch file that can be applied to the original source gexpetrs. In other words, we accept no liability for any damage that may result from using GExperts or programs that use the GExperts source code. Automatically Gexperrts Components - Define custom rename rules that automatically apply as you add components to a form.

GExperts has its own menu in the IDE not part of tools. Download GExperts GExperts is provided to developers free of charge in both source code and binary format. Where can I get the latest source code?

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